peep show

a display of objects or pictures viewed through a small opening that is usually fitted with a magnifying lens.
a short, usually erotic or titillating film shown in a coin-operated viewing machine equipped with a projector.
Slang definitions & phrases for peep show

peep show

noun phrase
  1. A supposedly private view, as if through a hole in the wall, of some forbidden sexual activity (1914+)
  2. Leg Show (1940s+)

[found by 1851 as ''an exhibition of pictures viewed through a lens in a small hole'']

Encyclopedia Article for peep show

children's toy and scientific curiosity, usually consisting of a box with an eyehole, through which the viewer sees a miniature scene or stage setting, painted or constructed in perspective. Peep shows of an earlier time are often the only accurate representation of the stage design and scenery of the period

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